2012年5月18日 星期五


A Clean Label is a low cost protective label that prevents you from drinking from a contaminated soda can. If we take the user scenario seriously, I agree with the notion that we tend to take swig from the can, without even cleaning it. It’s a subconscious act and yes, we are filthy…me included! This simple can-clip redesign adds a cleaning filament that swipes the can-surface clean in a jiffy. Cheers to a germ-free drink!


而什麼是不用多花時間清潔,同時又能保持易開罐開口乾淨的方式呢?Meixian Su、Fengming Chen、Yujie Chen 這幾位設計師想到了一個辦法,就是用一個具有黏性的標籤紙來覆蓋住易開罐的開口附近,這樣同樣只需簡單一拉就能拉開易開罐喝飲料,同時也能藉由標籤紙覆蓋開口來保持乾淨,真的是很簡單但卻很實用的設計,飲料業者都應該要盡快採用這個好構想才對。

資料來源 http://www.yankodesign.com/2012/05/09/sterile-sip/

